Quality Striping and Sealing offers a variety of rubber and concrete wheel stops.
By installing rubber or concrete wheel stops, businesses in Maryland, West Virginia and northern Virginia can protect their buildings, sign posts, light poles, or any other standing structure from parking vehicles. At Quality Striping and Sealing, we professionally install these wheel stops by core-drilling through asphalt or concrete and securing the wheel stop with steel rebar. This secures the stop in place, while also offering solid protection to the other objects on or around your paved surfaces.
Our concrete and rubber wheel stops are designed to be used in any parking area to avoid damage to cars, trucks, property, foot traffic that can be caused by vehicle accidents and mishaps. These protective stops can also be used in buildings, warehouses and factories to prevent wheeled vehicles from hitting other valuable machinery or even the walls of the structure.
If you are located in Maryland, northern Virginia, or West Virginia and are interested in protecting the structures on and around your parking lot with wheel stops, contact us today!